Desenvolvida juntamente com o Taj Burrow, essa prancha é um foguete para ondas tubulares e com excelente drive também para manobras em alta velocidade!
OBS: No valor do anúncio não está inclusa a faixa extra de carbono no bottom, mas caso queira é possível incluir na sua prancha pelo custo de +R$200,00.
Next in line of our continuing collaboration with Taj Burrow, is the aptly name “Tube Pig”. This one came about in 2014, when building a quiver for Taj to ride at home, in WA. We made a handful of boards specifically built to withstand beatings from, and perform on, the battering wind-buffed barrels of his beloved beach breaks and radical reefs. Not concerned so much with contests, ultra-light weights, or whipping airs and “finners”, we built a bit of substance into a few boards in hopes they would last and fit the demanding conditions. One board in particular was just over 5’9” 18.32” 2.25” and 25 liters of volume. Featuring a more pronounced round pin tail, with a narrower than average hip between the feet, and a slightly wider than typical nose, it ooozed of drive. Married to the outline is a pretty typical high performance rocker profile, but with less concave throughout, which runs the rail rocker pretty parallel to the stringer line. This results in no radical curves or breaks in the rail line. One not so noticeable feature, that I feel really ads to the effectiveness of this design in the waves it’s meant to be ridden, is that the nose is just slightly thicker than the tail at both the 12” and 24” marks. This really seems to add both paddle power and drive off the front foot. It also isn’t bad for helping with the snapping noses either. Individually, these features are all pretty subtle. Unlike The Round-Up/Rock-Up, and other exaggerated shortened step-ups, they are not strikingly different looking…But all combined, the whole became greater than the sum of its parts. When shaping the first one I wrote a note along the stringer “Tube Shooter”.
During a recent run of swell in WA, a series of exasperatingly excited mails and texts poured in from TB. Claims like..”I am not sure if it interests you or not, but this is the best board I have ever ridden in the tube. It’s a real Tube Pig. The thickness lets me in early and it knifes into solid tubes better than any shorty would. Paddle power to catch them, but the short little board fits in the curve better than a gun, and still holds in”. Accompanied with the texts was a relentless assault of gloriously lit videos and photos from Taj last couple weeks of surfing. That was enough for me. The Tube Pig… by Taj Burrow. Now… when it’s firing, everyone can go out and make a pig of themselves. Meant to be ridden about the same size, or just a bit longer, as your normal board, but mainly for those powerful pumping days in hollow beach breaks and reefs at home…or on the road.
Matt Biolos
Medidas Sugeridas pelo Matt Biolos:
5’6 x 18.00 x 2.18 - 22.50 litros
5’8 x 18.25 x 2.25 - 24.30 litros
5’9 x 18.38 x 2.25 - 25.00 litros
5’10 x 18.50 x 2.32 - 26.15 litros
5’11 x 18.63 x 2.35 - 27.15 litros
6’0 x 18.75 x 2.40 - 28.00 litros
6’1 x 18.88 x 2.44 - 29.25 litros
6’2 x 19.00 x 2.50 - 30.50 litros
6’3 x 19.38 x 2.56 - 32.50 litros
6’4 x 19.50 x 2.56 - 33.25 litros
6’6 x 19.63 x 2.63 - 35.25 litros
6’8 x 20.00 x 2.75 - 38.35 litros
Vídeo deste modelo TUB PIG:
TAJ BURROW TUBE PIG from Lost Video Productions on Vimeo.
OBS: Todas as pranchas anunciadas aqui são para encomenda e o prazo de produção estimado está logo abaixo descendo um pouco a tela. Você poderá optar por retirar a prancha conosco ou receber em sua casa (algumas regiões possuem taxa de frete). Voce pode escolher qualquer modelo em exposição no site, mas lembre-se de definir a configuração de personalização da sua prancha. As fotos de cada anúncio são meramente ilustrativas e as pinturas possuem custo a parte. O preço dos anúncios é com a prancha branca e com os copinhos para quilhas FCSII brancos ou Futures.
Este modelo possui uma variedade de tamanhos disponíveis para encomenda e as opções de medidas aqui foram sugeridas pelo próprio criador da Lost Mayhem, o Mestre Shaper Matt Biolos.
Sugerimos voce escolher alguma das medidas constantes na descrição do produto, mas caso tenha preferência para alguma medida específica, por favor escolha a opção "Gostaria de Medidas Personalizadas" que te auxiliaremos na configuração! Entraremos em contato com voce assim que recebermos seu pedido no sistema.
Mas se tiver dúvidas sobre qual seria as melhores medidas para a sua prancha, não se preocupe, por favor nos envie uma mensagem via "Chat On-line" localizado no canto inferior direito ou ainda via nossos canais de atendimento no whatsapp, telefone, mensagem no site ou e-mail e te ajudaremos na configuração da sua prancha mágica! Responderemos os mais rápido possível.
Canais de Atendimento:
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Whatsapp: (11) 98166-0000
Telefone: (11) 3021-3611
(Atendimendo de Segunda a Sexta - das 13h as 20h)